Happy Sunday!
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring semester and once again www.CampusBookRentals.com is at our rescue!
Fellow College students, here are the perks of renting textbooks from CampusBookRentals.com:
- You can save 40-90% off of bookstore prices.
- Free shipping both ways!
- You can highlight the textbooks.
- They have flexible renting periods.
- They have a guaranteed 30-day risk-free returns.
-They have been a trusted source since 2007!
-They have a live customer support.
- They have the largest selection of textbooks in the nation.
- They donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented -- how amazing is this?!
Not only do we get to save money, we also get to help a wonderful cause!
Operation Smile is an international children's medical charity that heals children's smiles, forever changing their lives.
This sounds like a total win-win to me! :)
But wait, they're not done... besides saving money and helping children out, CampusBookRentals also wants to give us a chance to earn some extra cash through their new program called RentBack!
RentBack is new initiative that allows students to rent the textbooks they own to other students... which is awesome because it helps us earn 2 to 4 times more money compared to what we'd make through buyback options! So amazing! :)
What is RentBack?
How does it work?
To learn more about CampusBookRentals, please click here.
I hope you all a fantastic week ahead! :D
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