I've been tagged by
Carrie to do a "5 Product Face Challenge" and by
Gaby to answer 7 questions. It's been quite a while since both tags, and I feel bad for not being able to do them right away. So, here we are now. :D
For Carrie's tag, I am supposed to do my makeup with only 5 products. I counted how many products I use when I am really into doing my makeup. I use about 10: concealer, foundation, compact powder, cream blush, powder blush, lip balm, lip gloss/lipstick, mascara, eyelid primer, and eyeshadow. But that's only when I have time, haha. ;)
If I had to choose only 5 out of that 10, these are the ones I would definitely use:
1. My MAC concealer (not actual picture) - I use NW25.

2. Revlon Custom Creations Foundation - I started out using just #4, but now I use one whole pump of #4 and a half pump of #3. Check out my post about it here. :)
3. N.Y.C. Blushable Creme Stick - I have it in Big Apple Blush. Check out my review here. :)

4. Essence Black Mania Carbon Black Volume Mascara - I am more comfortable with using a gel/clear mascara, but now I'm really trying to use this black mascara. Check out my thoughts on it here. :)

5. Essence XXXL Shine lip gloss - I have it in Super Girl 05.
*I usually put lip balm on before putting lip gloss/ lipstick on.*
You know how you use one lip gloss for a period of time, and then you kinda want to try a new color, then you use that other color again, and the cycle goes on? Yup, this is my lip gloss of the moment. :D

Thanks again to Carrie for tagging me and sorry it took me forever! My lovely friends, I hope you all get the chance to do this tag too. It's pretty fun, and I tag all of you! :D
Now, on to Gaby's tag. Here are her 7 questions that I will be answering:
What's your favorite beauty item(s)? - I have to say my concealer and lip balm.
How did you become interested in beauty? - My older sister is the one who has and continues to introduce me to beauty stuff - makeup, facial scrubs, clothes... everything! :D
3. What do you like to see the most in a blog? - I love seeing reviews on beauty products because those give me an idea which ones are good and which ones are not so good. Outfits and hauls are also very fun. And giveaways always excite me! ;)
4. What's your favorite hobby (besides blogging)? - I love to read and swim.
5. What's your favorite book? - I have a lot of favorites, but the number 1 book/ book series that comes to mind is Harry Potter, of course. :D
6. Do you study/work? - I am studying event planning and design. And, nope, I don't work, but I want to, soon. :)
7. Do you have a dream? - I have a lot! My main dreams are for my siblings and me to be successful in our chosen careers and to have a happy family life. :)
Thanks to Gaby for this tag! :D
I hope you get the chance to do either one of these two tags. Have a wonderful weekend! :D